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TakeAnother5 Podcast Index


TakeAnother5 Podcast Episode #34 - Author Donna Jodhan

TakeAnother5 Podcast Logo: The bright yellow-orange silhouette of a pair of headphones appears to be transmitting sound back and forth via alternating bright yellow-orange and black bars of differing lengths which are passing between the two headphone speakers. Underneath this icon are the words 'TakeAnother5' in black. Underneath the text 'TakeAnother5' is the text 'Podcast' in the same bright yellow-orange as the above headphone silhouette.

About This Episode:

Section 1: Kitchen Corner:
Time to create through cooking.

Section 2: TakeAnother5 With Technology:
Some cool apps for this week.

Section 3: The 5 Minute Mystery:
Can you guess who did it?

Section 4: In The End Zone With The Entrepreneur:
Why I might want to become one.

Section 5: Staying Ahead of Bullies and Scams:
A great way to protect yourself.

Show Notes 1:

Donna introduces herself describing her amazing talents as a blogger, author, audio mystery writer, advocate, and law student living in Toronto.

Donna then describes her passion in bringing the show to her audience.

Donna describes the show as being a cutting corner which promises her audience to help us manage the every day life stress, from demanding bosses to constant text messages, and every day annoyances such as blaring horns and busy life styles.

Donna then describes how the show is going to help her audience in the following five sections.

Section 1: Kitchen Corner for the busy mom, house wife, and professional on the go.
Section 2: Technology for the one who needs it to help them cut corners.
Section 3: Time Savers and Problem Poppers designed to help you save time for tasks in the home.
Section 4: In the End Zone with the Eentrepreneur which is meant for you to realize your dream in becoming your own boss.
Section 5: Staying ahead of Scams and Bullies which is meant to help you to prevent scams and to stop the bully and bullies.

Donna ends off the introduction section by asking her audience the following question and brain teaser. What is your favorite breed of dog?

Segment 1: Kitchen Corner

Donna starts off this segment by thanking her food provider "Mamma peach."

The audience is informed that this section has two recipes, including a bonus recipe making up the two recipes.

This podcast's recipe is all about the Chilli's category.

She describes how to make black and white chilli.

To listen to this recipe visit:

The bonus recipe is under the breakfast and bread bonanza.

The recipe is "beef and cheddar quiche."

To take a look at this recipe visit:

Segment 2: TakeAnother5 with Technology

Donna introduces her audience to this section letting them know that this is all about technology.

In this podcast Donna introduces her audience to an app called " Word mean."

Donna informs her audience that if you are in search of a new word game app, then this app is for you. The app caters to both those who are totally blind, and or visually impaired.

Donna informs her audience that this app can be downloaded from the app store, and is a must have app to download as its totally free. To learn more about the app go to:

Segment 3: Time Savers and Problem Poppers

This segment is all about Time savers and problem Poppers.

Donna informs her audience that they can have the article discussed in this section emailed to them.

Donna asks her audience the following question, (What do you really know about chemicals in food packaging?)

Donna informs her audience that there is lots to learn on this subject, and encourages her interested audiences to visit the following website:

Segment 4: In the End Zone with the Entrepreneur

In this segment Donna talks about how she has been a successful entrepreneur since 2000.

In this podcast, Donna talks about starting a plant life business.

Before she goes on to talk about what you need to do to start the business, Donna asks her audience the following questions: (Do you like to take care of plants? And do you like being with plants?)

In order for this business to succeed, Donna informs her audience that you need to advertise to small business companies to start with.

She informs her audience that they need to provide services such as to decorate and enhance small offices including grooming plants on a regular basis.

She then informs her audience that you can also offer to maintain the plants, and decorate with new plants. The audience is informed that you can offer suggestions to improvements, and you can provide these plants when making the suggestions.

In addition the audience is informed that you can offer to rent the plants to offices, however one needs to have a good supply of plants from your own garden or suppliers. To learn more about this business visit:

Donna informs her audience that if anyone goes to visit the site on this section that she will give 10 minutes of her time as a free consultation, and will answer any questions on this topic.

Segment 5: Bullies and Scams

This section is all about staying ahead of bullies and scams.

The audience is informed that the scam is all about you the audience being informed that your online account has been closed.

You will receive an email from your bank account, pay-pal account, amazon account, or from a telecommunications company.

You are asked to log in to the link provided to you in the email message, and asked to update your account.

Donna informs her audience to ignore this message, and delete immediately.

Donna informs her audience that no company in their right mind would ever send you such a message. She goes on to tell her audience that if you mistakenly open up the link, and act, that you the audience will be in deep trouble as the sender of the email will capture all of your personal information.

In part two of this segment Donna talks about building awareness about bullies and bullying.

She talks about when an older sibling demands something from the younger sibling, such as toys, money, and or I device, that this action can be considered bullying. This is because the older sibling is using age to bully the younger sibling. Donna informs her audience that the quicker you recognize that this is happening the better you can stop the bullying.

Ending Segment

In this section the audience is informed that the show is going to take an easier approach for the audience to visit the bonuses and the podcast. Visit:

Finally, Donna tells her audience that they need to stay tuned for an exciting upcoming announcement.

This brings us to the end of this week's podcast.

Show Notes 2:

1:00, Learn who Donna is and what she does.

1:30, Who needs to listen to TakeAnother5?

4:00, What Is TakeAnother5 All About?

4:48, Learn the segments for the TakeAnother5 Podcast

5:55, Donna thanks her podcast producer.

  • Mike Ciarciello
  • 514–827–9092

6:25, Donna thanks Michael Babcock her marketer

6:44, this weeks brain teaser is “What is your favorite breed of dog?”

7:33, TakeAnother5 Kitchen Corner

Get this week’s bonus via the link found at the end of the episode.

8:58, Black and white chili ingredients

10:05, Black and white chili instructions

10:45, A serving Suggestion

12:17, TakeAnother5 With Technology

12:56, ]Words Maze](

"Words Maze” is a simple word guessing type of puzzle game for the iPhone and iPod. Words Maze is a Vocabulary based game app. In this app, user tries to guess the Hidden word .

15:06, TakeAnother5 Time Savers and Problem Poppers

The bonus mentioned in this section can be found at the link shared in the end of this episode.

16:27, What do you know about chemicals?

17:18, TakeAnother5 In The End Zone With The entrepreneur

get 10 minutes free with Donna, this week’s exclusive bonus. Listen to the end of this episode to learn how. 17:47, How to start a plant care business?

20:29, TakeAnother5 Beat the bullies and scams

20:55, This week’s scam is being told via email that your account is closed. Listen for things to look out for.

22:07, when an older sibling demand something from her younger sibling, this is an example of bullying. If you’re interested in learning more about this, feel free to listen to this weeks episode and don’t forget to check out Donna’s campaign against bullying

The special announcement can be heard at 23:44.

Download bonuses.

Download This week’s bonus

Conclusion and Contact Information

If you enjoyed this weeks episode, and would like to get in contact with Donna, then you can do so with any of the following contact methods.

Bonus Material:

What Do We Really Know About Chemicals in Food Packaging?

By Alexandra Zissu, Editorial Director

Even if you grow your own veggies and shop for as much as you can at a farmers’ market, chances are some of your food is packaged. While there has been considerable focus of late on the ingredients in packaged food—what they are, are they safe?—there has been less on what the actual packaging is, and if it’s safe. This is a subject that is likely to take off in the year(s) ahead, as there are a substantial number of chemicals in these materials, all constantly in contact with our food. For some clarity, we reached out to Dr. Birgit Geueke, Scientific Officer, at the Zurich-based Food Packaging Forum for her take. Read on to learn about chemical migration, the unexpected hazards involved with recycled food packaging materials, and what parents can do to help protect their children.

1. Almost no food comes unpackaged these days. Are the various things being used for everything from cheese to meat to dried pasta truly safe? What are the concerns?

Food packaging allows the efficient handling, transport and storage of food, helps preventing food spoilage, and is a very suitable marketing tool. On the other hand, food packaging may release its chemical components into the food and thereby contaminate the food with chemicals. Many thousand chemicals are used to produce materials coming into contact with food during handling, storage, and packaging. By far not all of these chemicals have been tested for their safety. The safe use of many of the authorized chemicals may also be questioned according to new toxicological data. In addition, packaging materials usually contain non-intentionally added chemicals, which arise from impurities of the raw material, unwanted reaction products or break-down products. These chemicals add to the list of possible contaminants that may be released into the food. The majority of consumers are not aware of this issue, which we call chemical migration, and assume that food packaging is completely safe.

2. Who is studying food packaging? Are there any studies out there showing that farm to table eating–which involves very little food packaging–decreases the amount of food packaging chemicals found in our bodies and/or blood?

Many different interest groups are involved, e.g., food producers who want to extend the shelf life of their products or use the packaging for marketing purposes, packaging manufacturers who have to persist on a highly competitive market, legislators who set the regulatory framework, researchers who aim at innovative packaging solutions, consumer organizations who help to secure safe and sustainable packaging solutions.

Several scientific studies exist relating the contribution of packaging to the amount of specific chemicals measured in the bodies. Researchers reported decreased levels of BPA and phthalates in pregnant women of the Old Order Mennonite Community, when compared to pregnant women of a U.S.-wide survey. The consumption of fresh produce, which was not prepackaged or processed, was identified to be one of the reasons for the decreased levels of chemicals in the women from the community. In a second study, levels of BPA and one specific phthalate (DEHP) could be significantly reduced after three days of eating food with limited food packaging. However, not all phthalate levels could be decreased by this kind of diet, which might be explained by other sources of phthalates such as cosmetics or indoor air. In these cases, the differences in exposure caused by the packaging-free diet may have been too small to be measured.

3. We hear a fair amount about the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in can linings, what are other issues with food packaging the general public should be aware of?

Linings protect the cans from corrosion and the can’s content from contamination with dissolved metals. During the last years companies started to replace BPA linings and now label their cans as BPA-free. The consumer is usually not informed about the new material that is used instead. Alternative linings can be based on compounds very similar to BPA such as bisphenol F (BPF) and bisphenol S (BPS). Unfortunately, these chemicals substituting BPA have similar toxicological properties. In general, it would be desirable to have an open discussion on the safety of alternatives instead of simply stating that one chemical of concern was removed from the packaging.

Another issue I would like to refer to is recycling of food packaging materials. Although recycling reduces the amount of waste and saves resources, it can introduce unwanted chemicals into our packaging. In 2013, researchers found polybrominated flame retardants in black plastic items used for food packaging. These persistent and bioaccumulative flame retardants probably originated from waste electric and electronic equipment that was illegally fed into the recycling streams. A second example refers to the high concentrations of mineral oils in recycled paper and board, which are usually not removed during recycling processes. Mineral oils easily migrate from such packaging materials into the food. One solution, which would fail at the aspect of sustainability, could be the use of only fresh fiberboard for the production of food packaging. Further solutions could be the introduction of barriers that prevent migration of mineral oils or the use of alternative printing inks.

4. What should be done to improve the safety of food packaging?

Gaps exist in the legislation for food packaging worldwide, which should be filled. Scientists identified new challenges in toxicological research during the last years, which are currently not sufficiently considered during chemical risk assessment. These tasks include, e.g., endocrine disrupting chemicals, critical periods of development and mixture toxicity. At first, endocrine disrupting chemicals may interfere with the hormone system and cause a variety of severe diseases, but they are not routinely assessed. Many endocrine disrupting chemicals are known to be used in the production of food contact materials and may migrate into the food. Secondly, especially unborn children or infants may be easily harmed by chemicals during these critical periods of development. Thirdly, classical risk assessment of chemicals usually looks at only one chemical at a time. This does not reflect reality, because we are steadily exposed to highly complex mixtures of chemicals. It is very difficult to judge, whether these chemicals interfere with each other or if they act just on their own. Although these three developments in toxicology have not been included in the standard risk assessment of food contact materials so far, the awareness towards these issues is steadily growing.

5. What can parents do to safeguard their kids against potentially harmful substances in food packaging? Heat is known to increase migration of chemicals into food, so not microwaving in plastic is a good tip for families. But what about cold? Are frozen foods that come in plastic bags safe from the chemicals in that plastic?

It is true that the migration rate of chemicals from the packaging into the food is increased at hot temperatures. This also means that the chemical migration rate is decreased during the storage period in the freezer. However, we have to consider that the food may have been filled into its packaging when it was still hot or that it was even heated in the packaging before freezing. Further, the packaging of the frozen food may also be recommended for heating in the microwave or oven. Under these conditions, the alleged advantage of reduced chemical migration during freezing might be easily neutralized.

Parents may prepare meals with fresh and unprocessed products. When buying packaged food, they also may have a look at the packaging size: instead of buying four or six little portions of a certain food (e.g. yogurt), it may make sense to buy one big portion. This will reduce the surface-to-volume ratio, which is directly linked to the total amount of chemical migration. And of course it will also reduce the amount of waste.

Recipe: Beef and Cheddar Quiche

3 eggs, beaten
1 cup whipping cream
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup ground beef, browned
1 (9 inch) pie crust

Mix eggs, cream, cheese and beef together; spread into pie crust. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes; reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue baking for 15 minutes. Makes 8 servings.

Contact Author Donna Jodhan:

If you would like to ask me a question on this week's topic in our "In the End Zone with the Entrepreneur" segment, please send your email to and I would be delighted to respond.

If you would like to receive 10 free minutes of my time, please include your phone number within the email and a good time to call and I would be happy to connect with you via voice.


Author Donna Jodhan

Author Donna Jodhan Initials. DJ.

Information provided by: Author Donna Jodhan